Thursday, September 30, 2010

A random thought

I had a regular phone session with a close friend of mine a few weeks back. Had a nice chat with him about our goals, investments and dreams. I understand, and agree from the conversation that when one is working towards their goals, they tend to be blinded by other factors. The guy whom I spoke to works for a big firm back in India. 

Having a goal is indeed a good thing in life. Work hard and achieve what you want. In the process of achieving it, you might gain some, and lose some. If you can afford to lose it, carry on with what you have set upon. If you can’t, slow down and amend the route. Make sure there’s a balance before continuing the journey.

Reaching your goal slower but with a clear conscience and happy mindset, is much fulfilling then reaching your goal fast but in the process, you have regrets and losing things that you can’t afford to lose.

Today a lot of people might still not be successful in their career yet, but they definitely know the right way to balance things out with their loved ones. When the time comes for their career to take off, they know that they have got plenty of people to share their happiness with. They are just waiting for that very moment, when happiness shine onto them like the morning rays.

The last paragraph might be very confusing when you read it for the first time. Try reading it again and again, you will find a balance. 




BooNMiNG said...

Haha.. So what's your goal in IMFS? :)

Vignesh Adhi said...

Probably become a section manager one day!